With over 5 million small and medium enterprises, Britain is a likely source of cooperation with Romanian enterprises. Recent incertitude following Brexit, forces British businesses to reconsider their options regarding trading with the EU hence, an opportunity for Romanian companies to pursue partnerships in the UK. Besides its informative scope, this economic mission aims to propose a platform for the Romanian companies to meet British businesses and discuss, first hand, ways to cooperate.
Desi potentialul de colaborare intre Romania si Marea Britanie este imens, doar 0,03% dintre companiile britanice au explorat posibilitati de cooperare cu Romania. Aceasta misiune isi propune sa duca antreprenorii romani in Marea Britanie, unde sa faciliteze schimbul de cunostinte si contacte de afaceri. Noi stim ca antreprenorii sunt acel tip de oameni care nu se sperie de provocarile Brexitului si care cred ca crizele pot reprezenta oportunitati de afaceri.