The launching event will sound like this in newspapers:
If you will have the knowledge you will have the answer to „how?”, and you can change the way you live for a better future.
What problem do you solve through your startup?
The biggest problem in the lifestyle business is the lack or the deceptive quality of the proper information, mentors, trainers and knowledge. Many people try to live healthier but they choose harmful and ineffectual methods.
Please describe the #BigIdea:
This is not a big idea, it’s a Big Necessity!
Why do you think people need your solution?
By assuring personalized, trustworthy and effective programs, we help people to learn the proper way to improve and enjoy their lifestyle, health and power. The Healthy Vibes works on setting up a new, general mentality about active living and nutrition by developing several programs, excluding dieting, brand favorisations, big financial and time investments and several promoted but unhealthy methods. We change people’s bad habits to achieve solid and long term results.
Why do you want to participate in the accelerator program and what are your expectations?
To learn and put together the puzzle.
Tell us about the team:
We are working with more than 30 professionals, mentors, trainers, coaches, doctors and innovators.
Economic field of the activity:
Health and lifestyle.