Ciprian Morcan has over 15 year`s of experience as management consultant, manager, trainer and business owner. He Bachelor’s Degree in Law of University Lucian Blaga, Sibiu (Romania). As cluster manager he attended to trainings as Cluster Academy 2014 (Linz, Upper Austria) and Cluster Management Excellence 2015 (Barcelona, Spain).
Since 2012 he is the manager of Transylvanian Furniture Cluster, coordinating the Development Strategy of Cluster and being involved in implementation of the integrated package of 10 projects that includes funded through the Sectoral Operational Programme Increase of Economic Competitiveness in Romania 2007-2013. The integrated package of projects has over 12 milion euro buget and includes 10 projects: 2 R&D projects, 2 soft projects and 6 infrastructure projects.
As cluster manager he initiate and coordinate an RDI project since 2015 for the next 5 years with a total budget of 2.6 million euros. The project is founded from European founds and is meant to consolidate the position of Transylvanian Furniture Cluster as innovative cluster on an international level.
Other projects initiated at his initiative for Transylvanian Furniture Cluster are:
- ”Learn2Do4Entreprnurship” Project funded by Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 (Partner). Through this project is developing entrepreneurial skills and supporting business initiatives through promotion of entrepreneurial culture in the North-West region, providing access to integrated counseling, support for business start-ups, mentoring and training.
- ”8 X S3 = INTELLIGENT ROMANIA” Project, funded by Operatonal Programme Administrative Capacity 2014-2020 (Leader). The projects’s objective is to generate and promotion of a set of alternative public policies in order to increase the competitiveness of the regions in Romania.